19 July 2007

Making my way into town

Well orientation is offically over, although it was completely helpful and useful information I'm glad it was over! I think this is the first time in history that I have been excited to start school or uni as it is referred to here. I'm excited to see how things compare to those back in the states! It should be interesting. I'm finally all set for classes, finished the last of things yesterday including getting my user name and password as well as my Ressie Card.. which is like my Cat card at Western. Its basically my student ID card. I'm ready to get going to what i was meant to do here. If you need to get in touch with me you can always use my email but you can get in contact with me at am2stevens@students.latrobe.com.au as well. The Student ID card is probably to most simpliest card I have ever seen. Has a very low resolution picture of me with a couple lines through it- black and white. It also includes my name and an ID number and the logo for the school. Very simple indeed with no color to it at all. So after I got these two things done I was done at uni for the day- I begun my venture back to the halls. It was still very windy and cold today so this walk wasnt too pleasent and I was happy to be back when I reached my dorm- or hall.

When I reached my hall, I decided that a nap was definatly in order because I havent spent nearly as much time there as I would like within the past couple of days. I was very exhausted from the past three days of orientation and just needed to rest my body before anything else. I woke up just in time for tea, it was a bit later today we werent getting served until 6:30 so I got to sleep a little longer than I thought. Dinner was a bit different tonight. We had a table full of students from Hong Kong that were visiting the country and spending a few days traveling each town with us for 2 days. This dinner was for them. We sat at tables covered with white table cloths and set with nice glass china and a bottle of red wine at each table as well as a bottle of white wine and there was orange juice also for those without the alcohol taste. It was very nice actually there 4 tables...us, the guys, the hongkong people, and the kitchen staff. Each table got a turn to go up and get food for dinner. I had chicken wrapped in bacon with potato balls and veggies. It was a very good meal, I really enjoyed this one. After dinner, David- who is the head of residential services made a speech. He welcomed all the kids from hong kong and welcomed me. He talked about the importantance of international cultural connections and said that Latrobe was very lucky to have me as well as the kids from hongkong.

After dinner, we were all very tired and exhausted and all the girls gathered around in the bottom common room- the kids from hongkong were up in the top one. We decided to make it a "coloring in" night. Its funny when you colour in a coloring book its called "coloring in" here. So we all colored in a picture of my little pony and stuck it to our door. It was so funny how serious we were taking it, just as if we were kids again. As 10 pm rolled around, most of us headed to bed and made it an early night- especially me. I was exhausted, even after my nap.

Today now...I didnt really have much to do, basically the time until Monday is left for ourselfs. I didnt have any more obligations- I was set. So today, Caitlin and I decided to venture into town. I had not made my way there yet so Caitlin decided to venture to the halls from Orde House and we would go together. It was a nice walk, took about 30 minutes but It was a good walk. It was better walking with someone but it was a good walk. On our way there I saw the biggest cemetary I have ever seen in my life. It went back and covered the whole hill. It was deep and long. It was just HUGE! But anyways we did some shopping. Went to safeway and picking up some food so I wouldnt starve on the weekends since the dining hall isnt opened. Just got some things for the weekend because I will probably come back to town myself whern I got the time. I bought a watch so finally I will have something that has Australian time on it. I also went and looked in Target for a bike. I found one for about 98 bucks so I may go and buy it next time I am in town but for now we were just there so I could see where things were basically. Ohh and I bought a pillow- the one they gave me was and is as hard as a rock. I was trying to deal with it and what I had but it hurt my shoulders and I was sore for days after so I thought it best to get a new one and im sure it will feel like a million bucks when I lay on this one- so I am excited. I'm glad I finally found my way into town, thanks to Caitlyn and know where to find some stuff.

Tomorrow is going to be another good day. Caitlin and I are going to catch the 7:50 train into Melbourne! Well thats all for now,,,

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