Well, classes are offically over!! That went by sooo fast & quickly. Thursday we had what is called the Halls ball. It's a end of the year formal dinner & award ceromony-then dancing. It was alot of fun. We got to get real dressed up as a last night out with everyone from Halls. I wore my friend Hilary's dress, and Brit's shoes. It was a good time. Each hall, there are 3 of them, had a designed time to go over and get group photos taken of the hall. Our time was 5:20...we headed over to get some photos taken and had some chamagne and finger food while we were waiting (the formal didnt start until 6 pm). After a while, everyone decided to go back and hang out at their hall before the formal began. The formal began with a dinner, we headed over to our desigend dinner and had dinner and awards. It was good fun, and there was of course dancing after wards. It was a good time. I've added some pictures so you should take a look.

So I am in the last 2 weeks of my stay here in Australia! Its been such a great experience and I can not believe that it is over already, I feel like I just arrived. Most of my friends have gone home this week which is SWOVTAC--- its the week between the end of classes and the beginning of exams. Its a week where everyone goes home to study. But I have a pretty busy week as I will be working on getting my ceramic projects ready for assessment and doing a website to submit by next friday. So, things are going well on my side and I am pretty ready to come home and attend to my needs and wants in the states!
LOve you all,
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