Lets last week I met some new friends who are actually quite nice. We played singstar and it was absolutely fun, we spendt 4 hours doing that haha. For those of you who dont know.. its like guiarhero on playstation except instead of playing the guitar you sing. Its like a competetion. Its awesome!! Not sure if they have it in the US or not, im not big on video games to start with but its fun.
This past weekend I went to Melbourne again. Nicola and Kim headed over to Sydney for the weekend so I went and kept Hannah company. We didnt do much because everyone seemed to be gone for the weekend but we still had a very good time. I cought the 4:25 train and then caught to tram and met Hannah at Coles Market which was just a few stops from La trobe. We had an easy, quiet night friday night because everyone seemed to be tired. We ended up playing poker, I finally learned how to play. it took forever.. and I was 3rd winner which was cool considering it was the 1st time I have ever played. Lets see... then we went on down to Steffens room and watched Mr and Mrs Smith. It was a good one.. and always is when I watch it haha. then saturday we went to Maccas for lunch and just made it a lazy kind of day. Didnt do much really until it was time to decide what we were going to do tonight. Since no one was around it was quiet so it was just a few of us who just drank and had some fun. It turned out to be a good, very random night.

On sunday Hannah and Steffen didnt wake up until 4 pm so we didnt really do much today either.. haha. We played beer pong on sunday night and I ended up meeting some kid from Alaska which I thought was really kool. Its really interesting to learn and understand things from different places. I kept asking Steffen after Germany and dofferences just to get a grasp on how it would be if i ever went there. Its just intriguing to me I guess. Anyways I ended up taking the 10:15 am train out of Melbourne to Bendigo and slept the whole two hours- i was soo exhausted and made it to class by 2.
Tuesday night (last night) we all went out for Ashlynn's 20th birthday and Lauren's 23rd birthday! It was heaps of fun!! I took wayyy too many pictures and gained wayyy too many memories it was soo fun. It was good to see everyone out and have a good time. We went to the Broughie first which is just a small little pre drinking bar basically. Its nice there to just socialize and have a good time. Then we ended up at Scubar and just danced (yes, I danced... ) and sang and had a good night. Laurs and I grabbed a taxi back at about 2:30 am... and it was probably the best bit of the night. She told the taxi driver that I was from America and that we had been friends since preschool... and that he wasnt being nice enough. HAHA.. it was soo funny and on top of all that she was convinved he was African with Islamic language so she told me she had to translate for me. It was soo funny- it would be easier to explain this in person but trust me it was HILARIOUS!! It was such a great night.
I have soo much to look forward to in these next few weeks. I'm going to some local australian band play on thursday and then Hannah and Nicola are coming and we are going to the SILVERCHAIR concert on saturday nigth and then out with the rest afterwards. Then Thursday morning I leave for FIJI!!!!! YAY!!! SOOOOO EXCITEDD!! Then teh weekend after that is SYDNEY!! YAY!!
Hope all is well, sorry this was a vague post! I'll post again soon. Love you all and miss you tons
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