I picked up Kim, Hannah and Nicola from the train station at about 5, and we had about an hour to get ready until Laurs was gonna drive us to the concert since its way downtown. It started at 6, so we got there at quarter past and collected our tickets from the box office and headed in. It was held at the Bendigo Showgrounds which was quite small compared to the size of places concerts at home would of been held. But this is a sold out concert and every hotel is completely booked in bendigo because of it. Anyways we headed in and looked around a while to see what was around. Our first stop was the Tshirt and merchandise tent. Hannah and Nicola decided to purchasing tshirts- I decided against it because I didnt want to spend $40 for a tshirt that I wold probably never wear again. Since the band hadnt started yet, we decided to go to the bar and get a beer before they came on. As expensive as it was, we stopped at one and didnt get anymore. Plus, you were not allowed any alcohol in the actually concert...they had a seperate tent for the bar and you were not allowed to leave with alcohol into the concert. Alot different that something as Merriweather. Also, here in the concert there was only standing and no seats or anythinng which I also thought was different.
After we finished our VB's we headed into the concert. Silverchair came on first and they were amazing. They sang some old ones, some new ones and some famous ones. It was good. They were on for about an hour and while they were on, one of the singers proposed to his girlfriend Natalie on stage.. It was the cutest thing ever!!! Lucky girl she is. Another thing the guitarist played the guiatar with his tongue, and did it pretty well. It was pretty kool. During Silverchair we lost Nicola somewhere so during the break between bands Kim and I headed to the toliets and eventually found her at the burger stand so we decided to get some burgers as well...which actually werent that great afterall but I guess it kept us from being hungry.
We headed back in, Hannah still in where we were but we didnt end up finding her again so we all decided to meet at the "meeting place" which was the burger stand at the end. Powderfinger came on at about 8:45 and they were on for about an hour. Their songs were actually pretty awesome, i really enjoyed their music. I really got into them. They told us that because they didnt have anything cool to do like propose on stage, they were going to swim naked in the fountain in the centre of town which is not running because of the water restictions... haha. Who knows if they actually did. Anyways they were kool. At the end both bands came on and played together! It was freaking Sweet!!!!
After the concert we were going to this one love after party which ended up being pretty awesome. They had all kinds of Dj's, free drinks and cheap spirits. It was a good night. Trying to get there was a mess. After the concert we called for a taxi but it ended up that there was no taxi's for teh concert and we had to jump on this bus that was going to drop us off into town. Well, it ended up that this bus only stopped at the train station and went back and forth from the concert to the train station so we all had to get off there. Luckily, we met some guys who were on the bus with us that was confused as well as to why they werent going into town. We walked with them and found our way to the pubs. After our 20 minute walk to Black Swan, we showed our tickets and got in.
The night was awesome, to much to explain in detail... but we didnt leave until 5, and then we stopped at Zoo Cafe for some Poatato gems... the best drunk food made to man, it was awesome. Then of course we had to wait in the taxi line that always takes forever.. so we didnt get home until 6 am. But- man it was a good time, we met so many people and I do believe the girls had a good time as well...It was definatly a night to remember. So many memories and good times.. take a look at the photos!!!
Oh and I wanted to add this tid bit: I got an internship for next semester. I will be working for a publishing company in Waynesville! :) I'm VERY excited.