So its been a very busy couple of days!! Orientation or "O'week" as it is referred to here has begun. This is the week of orientation, and I just have event after event of activities welcoming me to the school and the town. Its been very fun, but very exhausting as well. We actually have one more day of orientation whiich i am sure will be just exhausting as the last two, but oh well!
Yesterday was probably the busiest, most exhausting days I have had here yet. Orientation begun at 10 am and we had to be over at the IronBark building at that time. It is kind of annoying for me because I live over at the halls so its about a 30 minute walk since I dont have any acess to any other type of transportation or in Australian terms "transport". Once I got there I saw Caitlyn...she is the other american girl who is also studying at La Trobe University, Bendigo. I am glad I finally got to meet her because everytime I went into any office on campus to get essentials done they would ask if I had met her. I always said no. I hadnt met her although she seems like a wonderful girl. So today I finally met her, and she is very sweet and kind. We immediatly got along great, it was nice to finally see someone who can relate to you in most ways being from the same country. We stuck together and got to know each other today. There were "heaps" or alot of people who came in and talked to us about numerous things that we may need to know about in the future. Then we went on a library tour where the librarian took us around and showed us how to use everything and told us where things were. Then we did a treasure hunt, and this is where I begun to feel like a little kid. We were given a sheet that had about 20 questions on it, and we were to walk around campus filling in the answers to these questions. They had the most random questions on there like "How many benches are outside the waterfall?". Silly things like that, but I guess it was good to find out where things were for the semester. But whoever got all the questions right would win some sort of prize at the movie and pizza night that they were having fun us later that night.
Caitlyn and I turned in our "treasure hunt" and decided to head back to Orde house where she was staying for the semester. It was much more convient since the halls was a 30 minute walk and we only had about an hour to relax before the pizza and movie night begun. Orde House is about a 5 minute walk. I was actually suppose to stay there but changed my mind at the last minute because I wanted my meals provided. But after seeing this place, I should of just stuck with it. Its alot nicer than the halls and its all international students so it would be a great learned experience to live with others like that. But the rooms there dont have heat and the wireless is weaker the farther down the hall you are. So although they are nicer facilities in the end I am glad I am where I am. The people here are great and always ask about me when im not around, and we have heat in each room which makes sleeping soo much nicer. Also, I can get the exercise I have always wanted here by walking everywhere.
Then it was time to walk to the common right near the units which is another residence on campus- the closest one to campus. We had an pizza and movie night there. I joined the international club a couple days ago so a lady from that came in and talked about things pertaining to that club. When the pizza arrived we were all ready to eat. I found it very much different than american pizza. This pizza was called Pinky's pizza. It was in a rectangle shape and the sauce was a sweet sauce. It was a good different, just very sweet and tart I guess I would say. I wasnt use to it, I was expecting a circle shape and tomato sauce. But I enjoyed it, had to at least try it. We had a raffle in which I won a little keychain and Caitlyn and I won a prize each for our treasure hunt. The prize was a bowl with the australian flag..haha. But still cool. I dont know if I should be proud or embarrassed that we won this trasure hunt haha. Then they put on the movie "Happy Feet". Since I had seen it a million times, I decided to leave and venture onto my walk home. It was about 8 pm anyways and I had to walk back alone so I thought it was probbaly a good idea to get going.
I fell asleep at about 11pm and slept hard! It was a good day and I met alot of people from all over the world including Africa, Asia, China, US, and France.
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